According to the latest survey, our customers are extremely satisfied with us. Trust in MuniFin’s ability to handle the pandemic was 6.3 on a scale of 1 to 7, and as many as 80% of respondents considered reliability as MuniFin’s strong point. Compared to other companies in the financial sector, MuniFin also scored exceptionally high on the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a traditional way of measuring how likely customers are to recommend the company.
Customers look for competitive pricing and convenience
The survey also charted what customers most value in a financing partner. The top-ranking qualities were competitive pricing, services that are easy to use, suitable financing solutions and responsibility. According to 86% of the respondents, pricing was one of MuniFin’s strong points.
Customer service was rated as MuniFin’s strength by 71% of the respondents. In particular, our customers commended our contact persons, whose expertise and level of commitment scored an extremely high rating of 6.5 on a scale of 1 to 7. Our customers also saw us as more than just a lender, considering our service offering in financial planning and financing management as our strong points.
Digital services valued
In digital services, our customers valued both their ease of use and the broader outlook they offer on the total economy of a municipality or company. Of the respondents, 54% considered MuniFin’s digital services as a strong point and 43% rated them as neutral, meaning that they represent the industry standard.
Our customers’ opinions matter a great deal to us, and the survey results strongly steer the direction in which we continue to develop our services and products.
MuniFin’s customer experience survey was conducted as an email survey and telephone interviews between 1 and 22 December 2020, with more than 200 participants who manage the finances of municipalities and state-subsidised housing companies. The survey was conducted by EPSI Rating Group.