Sustainability agenda sets the direction until 2035
As outlined in our strategy, key aspects of sustainability at MuniFin include acting as our customers’ partner in building a sustainable society while efficiently managing climate-related and environmental risks that are relevant to us.
Our long-term impact stems from the products and services we offer our customers. In our sustainability agenda published in 2023, we set the direction and goals for our sustainability efforts until 2035.
In this agenda, we commit to increasing the proportion of sustainable finance in our lending portfolio and set emission reduction targets for financed buildings. We are also a member of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) initiative, which aims to develop and implement a standardised approach to assessing and disclosing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with loans and investments.
Sustainability agenda themes
- Foundation of the Finnish welfare society
Enabling the foundation for a sustainable welfare state - Driver of the green transition
Promoting investments that benefit the climate and environment
Sustainability agenda goals
- By 2030, green and social finance account for at least one-third of our long-term customer finance portfolio
- By 2035, financed emissions from buildings have an emission intensity of 8 kgCO2e/m2
Sustainability agenda goals revised as needed
MuniFin is committed to reviewing the goals set in its sustainability agenda every two years. We monitor our progress towards these goals annually as part of our yearly reporting and may expand or tighten our goals as necessary.
If necessary, we will also revise the agenda in response to changes in the business environment, such as amendments to national or international legislation or best practices in the market.
MuniFin conducted a materiality analysis as part of the development of its sustainability agenda, with the need for updates being assessed annually. The analysis involves key stakeholders, including customers, owners, investors, partners, and market players. Starting in 2025, MuniFin’s materiality analysis will be conducted in accordance with CSRD requirements.
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