MuniFin’s green portfolio is highly concentrated on two sectors: public transportation and sustainable buildings. The largest individual projects are the Western metro extension and Tampere tramway, most typical project being a school building. In 2017, first residential buildings in social housing were added in the portfolio.
The new product has been well received in the MuniFin’s customer base. Municipalities have significant potential in achieving Finland’s long-term climate goals and MuniFin wants to support this development by offering a margin discount. Impact reporting for green finance will be published annually.
Responsible investments will be launched in 2018
In 2017 MuniFin decided to establish a portfolio for responsible investments. The socially responsible investments (SRI) portfolio will be launched in 2018 and its target size is directly linked to the total amount of outstanding green bonds. In addition, MuniFin monitors all investments through a quarterly calculated ESG score.
Further information:
Antti Kontio, Head of CSR, tel. +358 50 3700 285, antti.kontio(at)munifin.fi