MuniFin sought to become involved in Finsif’s activities in order to obtain valuable know-how and a sparring partner in developing responsible practices. For the same reason, the company also belongs to the FIBS Corporate Responsibility Network and its Diversity Charter Finland.
MuniFin’s mission is to promote social responsibility by enhancing the welfare of municipal residents. We strive to be responsible in everything that we do, but we are developing this work even more systematically than before.
In 2016, MuniFin was the first Finnish actor in the financial sector to issue green bonds and to introduce green loans and leasing as a new product for its customers. Green financing is used to partially or entirely fund projects by MuniFin’s customers that can achieve substantial, positive climate effects. In March 2017, MuniFin received the Climate Bonds Initiative’s (CBI) Green Bond Pioneer Award in recognition of the company’s role in developing the green bond market.
MuniFin monitors its investments by means of the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) index performance. The value is slightly higher than benchmark indices.