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MuniFin wins the Best Structured Note Issuer award by CMD Portal for the second year in a row

Structured notes are an important tool for MuniFin to diversify funding and cater the preferences of a broader investor base. Despite the structured note market shrinking considerably each year, MuniFin has been able to keep a strong presence.

– We have held a commitment to the market. In addition to our credit rating, we believe our success is due to our ability to adapt to new market trends. We strive to have an active dialogue with our dealer banks and investors, says Senior Manager Karoliina Kajova from MuniFin’s Funding and Sustainability team.

In 2021, the structured notes issuance volume has reached EUR 1,9 billion, which is 20% of total new funding.

– The percentage of structured funding has remained stable during the past few years. We continue to invest in risk modelling, which allows us to keep an active presence in the market also in the future, Kajova says. 

MuniFin won the award also last year and three times in a row in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

CMD Portal is an independent collaborative market data network for bond and money market professionals. They provide access to a robust dataset, flexible data analysis tools and research on fixed income products for institutional asset managers, issuers and intermediaries.

Read more about the awards (link)

Further information

Karoliina Kajova
Senior Funding Manager, Funding and Sustainability, MuniFin
Tel. +358 50 576 7707