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Year 2018 in figures: MuniFin’s annual report, responsibility report and green bonds impact report for 2018 are published

Cover - Green Bonds impact reports published for 2018

MuniFin’s lending has wide impact on society and therefore responsibility has been broadly integrated in the company’s strategy. Responsibility is also one of the company’s core values.  

The responsibility report assesses MuniFin’s key principles of responsibility with the help of goals and indicators related to each one of them. Responsibility at MuniFin is based on four key principles: responsible products and services, forerunner in sustainability, improving wellbeing at work and strong corporate governance.

Green finance continues to grow steadily

MuniFin launched green finance for its customers in 2016. With the help of the instrument, the company wants to make the climate-friendly green projects more common in Finland.

In 2018, 20 new green projects were added in the green portfolio. Since 2016, EUR 1.143 billion has been withdrawn to finance green projects.

The share of green finance of MuniFin’s total lending and leasing portfolio was 5% at the end of 2018. It is the company’s goal that by the end of 2022 green finance accounts for 10% of the financing portfolio.  

More information:

Soili Helminen, Manager, Communications, tel. +358 400 204 853
Eeva Toivonen, ESG Analyst, tel. +358 50 464 3073