MuniFin’s second USD benchmark of the year attracted high-quality investors

Three months following the record-breaking USD 1.5 billion issuance in January, MuniFin returns to the USD market with another 1 billion benchmark. The 3-year bond successfully gathered a high-quality orderbook.

On Tuesday 16 April, MuniFin issued a new 3-year USD 1 billion benchmark with initial price guidance of MS+33 basis points. Investor demand continued to grow throughout the morning and books closed a few hours later in excess of USD 1.5 billion.

The bond was priced at MS +33 basis points, consistent with the initial guidance, with a coupon of 4.875%, a reoffer price of 99.708% and a re-offer yield of 4.981%. It carries a spread of 18 basis points over the CT 3 4.500% due 15 April 2027.

The final orderbook was geographically diverse with 48 high-quality accounts participating. Central banks took 57% of the allocations, followed by Banks and bank treasuries (40%), and Asset Managers, taking the remaining 3%.

“Investor demand started to accumulate after a moderate start, eventually reaching over USD 1.5 billion. We were particularly pleased with the quality of the final orderbook, as majority was allocated to central banks and official institutions. We have now successfully secured a little less than half of our funding target for the year”, says Analyst Aaro Koski.

After this transaction, MuniFin has now completed EUR 4.5 billion of its EUR 9–10 billion funding programme for 2024.

Photo of Aaro Koski
Aaro Koski, Analyst at MuniFin’s Funding and Sustainability team.


Transaction details

Issuer:Municipality Finance Plc (“MuniFin”)
Rating:Aa1 / AA+ (Moody’s/S&P – both stable)
Issue Size:USD 1 billion
Payment Date:23 April 2024 (T+5)
Maturity Date:23 April 2027
Re-offer Price:99.667%
Re-offer Yield:4.996%
Re-offer vs. Mid Swaps:+33bps
Re-offer vs. Benchmark:CT 3 4.500% due 15 April 2027 +18bps
ISIN:XS2807531657 / US62630CEL19
Lead ManagersJ.P. Morgan SE, Morgan Stanley Co & International PLC, Nomura Financial Products Europe GmbH, TD Global Finance unlimited company

Comments from Lead Managers

Ben Adubi, Managing Director, Head of SSA, Morgan Stanley:

“Another successful outing in the USD market for MuniFin following their strong 5-year issued earlier this year. Taking advantage of the favourable move in swap spreads and recent sell-off in rates, the deal amassed a high-quality and granular orderbook with 57% of allocations to CB/OIs, which is a testament to the strength of MuniFin’s credit quality and their opportunistic funding strategy. Congratulations to the MuniFin team on a stellar start to Q2, following on from an impressive start to the year, Morgan Stanley is delighted to have been involved!”

Mark Yeomans, Managing Director, Nomura:

“Yet another strong USD outing from MuniFin; with the new 3-year benchmark complementing the 5-year issued earlier in January. MuniFin took advantage of the global back up in rates to deliver another record 4.875% coupon for investors, as witnessed in their previous 3-year from last October. The quality of the orderbook is a testament to the investor following that MuniFin enjoys as a safe haven asset and the diligent investor outreach of the entire funding team. Nomura were delighted to be a part of such an important transaction.”

Ioannis Rallis, Executive Director, Head of SSA DCM, J.P. Morgan:

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team for printing another solid USD benchmark this year! Despite uncertain geopolitical backdrop and busy pipeline in the week, MuniFin was successfully able to achieve its tightest spread vs SOFR MS (+33bps) for a MuniFin USD 3-year benchmark. The high quality of the orderbook reflected in the 57% allocation to CB/OIs is a testament to investor confidence in MuniFin’s name. We are delighted to be involved in this transaction.”

Laura Quinn, Managing Director, Global Co-Head of SSA and Head of Dublin Debt Capital Markets:

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team on a successful USD benchmark transaction, launching their first 3-year USD benchmark in 2024 and second USD benchmark this year. MuniFin secured an efficient funding window this week to ensure they could complete their USD 1 billion funding exercise.  The exceptionally high-quality orderbook is a testament to MuniFin’s standing in the fixed income market.”

Read more

MuniFin’s USD 1.5 billion benchmark faced phenomenal demand 

Further information

Joakim Holmström
Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability
+358 50 4443 638

Antti Kontio
Head of Funding and Sustainability
+358 50 3700 285

Karoliina Kajova
Senior Manager, Funding
+358 50 5767 707

Lari Toppinen
Senior Analyst, Funding
+358 50 4079 300

Aaro Koski
Analyst, Funding
+358 45 1387 465

Greener energy production changes impact reporting – Nordic green bonds impact reporting recommendations updated

MuniFin is part of a Nordic public sector issuer group that has released a new edition of the Position Paper on Green Bonds Impact Reporting. The updates to these reporting recommendations stem from recent market developments, especially from emission reductions in energy production.

Published by Nordic public sector issuers, the Position Paper on Green Bonds Impact Reporting is a practical guide to reporting the environmental impact of projects financed through green bonds. It includes impact indicators, calculation methods and reporting practices.

“The material changes in the 2024 update include revised emission factors for electricity and district heating, new recommendations for vintage reporting and more specific recommendations on topics such as look-back/allocation periods, refinancing, ESG strategy and risk management”, says MuniFin’s Sustainability Manager Mikko Noronen.

In the latest edition of the position paper, the issuer group revised the emission factors for electricity and district heating downwards to reflect the energy sector’s rapid transition towards fossil-free energy sources.

Nordic recommendations harmonise the green bonds market

The purpose of the Nordic reporting recommendations is to create harmonious and transparent green bonds impact reporting principles that cultivate market practices. This allows issuers to report on the environmental impact of their financed projects in a way that offers investors high-quality information that is comparable, transparent and also supports the investors’ own reporting.

“For sustainable bonds to retain and strengthen their credibility as useful tools to finance the transition, it is of importance that market participants undertake issuance and reporting in a diligent and transparent manner”, says Björn Bergstrand, Head of Sustainability at Sweden’s Kommuninvest and coordinator of the Nordic cooperation.

Developed to assist Nordic public sector borrowers in reporting the environmental impact from their investments, the Position Paper on Green Bonds Impact Reporting has come to be used by issuers also in the private sector.

The Position Paper on Green Bonds Impact Reporting was first introduced in 2017 and is now in its fourth edition.

The Nordic public sector issuer group publishing the Position Paper on Green Bonds Impact Reporting includes MuniFin and MuniFin’s Nordic public sector counterparts, Kommunalbanken in Norway, KommuneKredit in Denmark and Kommuninvest in Sweden, as well as the Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK) and a number of Swedish municipal and regional issuers.

Position Paper on Green Bonds Impact Reporting_(2024)

MuniFin Green Impact Report 2023

Press release: Nordic issuers update green bonds reporting guidance

Further information

Mikko Noronen, Sustainability Manager
Tel. +358 50 4797 533

MuniFin returned to the Sterling market with its first GBP deal of the year

MuniFin’s GBP 250 million issue on February 29 was well received in the market, with particularly strong participation from central banks and official institutions. With this transaction, MuniFin has now printed one third of its EUR 9–10 billion funding programme for the year 2024.

Distribution of the transaction was once again broad both in terms of investor types and geographics, which is testament to MuniFin’s strong position in the global investor community. 

Central banks and official institutions were the largest investor component, taking 59% of the final book. The participation was also strong from banks and bank treasuries (39%), with fund managers, pension funds and insurance accounts representing 2%. In terms of geography, the transaction was broadly diversified across UK (41%), Asia (34%) and EMEA ex. UK (25%) investors.

“This was our first GBP line of the year, and it was great to extend our GBP issuance curve today. We are grateful for the investor following we have in the Sterling market and it has been a pleasure to be able to be on the screens again”, says Senior Manager Karoliina Kajova from MuniFin’s funding and sustainability team.

Press release from bookrunners

Issuer:Municipality Finance Plc (“Munifin”)
Ratings:Aa1 / AA+ (both Stable) by Moody’s / S&P
Format:Senior, Unsecured, Reg S, Registered
Coupon:4.375% Fixed, Annual, ACT/ACT ICMA, short first
Size:GBP250 million
Pricing Date:29th February 2024
Payment Date:7th March 2024 (T+5)
Maturity Date:2nd October 2028
Reoffer Spread:SONIA MS + 30 bps | UKT Oct-28 + 29.6bps
Joint Bookrunners:J.P. Morgan, RBC Capital Markets, TD Securities

Comments from bookrunners

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team for a strong return to the GBP market, taking advantage of a clear issuance window to extend their GBP curve with a new benchmark. The strong support from a diverse group of investors and the competitive price point is a testament to MuniFin’s standing in the international market. We’re delighted to be involved!”
Tina Nguyen, Vice President, SSA DCM, J.P. Morgan

Congratulations to the MuniFin team on the new GBP Oct-28 Benchmark. Taking advantage of a clear issuance window, MuniFin were able to extend their GBP Benchmark curve and maintain their regular presence in the Sterling SSA market. RBC were delighted to be a part of the transaction.”
James Taunton, Director, SSA DCM, RBC Capital Markets

We are delighted to be involved in MuniFin’s successful return to the Sterling market with their first GBP Benchmark of the year. This syndication is a clear demonstration of their global support from a diversified investor base. Congratulations to the MuniFin team on an excellent trade.
Paul Eustace, Managing Director, Global Co-Head of SSA and Head of Europe and Asia Syndicate, TD Securities

Further information

Joakim Holmström
Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability
+358 50 4443 638

Antti Kontio
Head of Funding and Sustainability
+358 50 3700 285

Karoliina Kajova
Senior Manager, Funding
+358 50 5767 707

Lari Toppinen
Senior Analyst, Funding
+358 50 4079 300

Aaro Koski
Analyst, Funding
+358 45 1387 465

MuniFin debuted successfully in the NOK social bond market

MuniFin’s inaugural NOK social bond was issued on 13 February. Despite ample supply from SSA issuers in the NOK market, the demand for the NOK 2 billion issue was strong, with a high quality investor base.

The issue marked both MuniFin’s first ESG labelled bond and the first NOK trade this year. The books built very quickly and were closed at a spread of +25 bps over 3-month Nibor.

“Over the past years, MuniFin has established themselves as a frequent issuer in the Nordic market, popular amongst a wide array of investors. The new issue marks the first social bond issued by MuniFin in Norway and the label was a significant contributor to the great investor demand”, says Hedda Giæver, Head of IG International, DBN Bank ASA.

The strong investor base showcased significant interest from bank treasuries, as well as domestic and foreign real money, including pension insurance and asset managers.

80% of the issue was allocated to Norwegian investors.

“We are extremely happy to have been able to return to the Norwegian Krona market. What’s even more pleasing is to be able to do it with a social bond. It is in the very core of our Sustainability Agenda to provide financing to social projects and increase their share in our lending portfolio. We are ever grateful for the support from our investors”, says Aaro Koski, MuniFin’s Funding Analyst.

Transaction details

Issuer:Municipality Finance (KUNTA, MuniFin)
Issue Rating:Aa1/AA+
Status:Senior unsecured
Reoffer Price:99.631% / 4.083%
Reoffer Spread:3mN+25bps
Issue Size:NOK 2bn
Settlement:20 February 2024
Maturity:20 February 2029
Coupon:4% Fixed, Annual, Act/Act Icma Unadjusted Following
Listing:Nasdaq Helsinki
Lead Manager:DNB Markets

Further information

Joakim Holmström, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability, +358 50 4443 638  
Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability, +358 50 3700 285 
Karoliina Kajova, Senior Manager, Funding, +358 50 5767 707 
Lari Toppinen, Senior Analyst, Funding, +358 50 4079 300 
Aaro Koski, Analyst, Funding, +358 45 138 746

MuniFin’s USD 1.5 billion benchmark faced phenomenal demand

Only two weeks after MuniFin’s highly successful opening transaction of the year, MuniFin priced a new USD 1.5 billion benchmark on 24 January. Investor demand was phenomenal from the beginning and resulted in an all-time record orderbook of USD 4.4 billion. The bond is also the largest USD issuance since 2021.

The record-breaking bond carries a coupon of 4.250%, and was priced at SOFR mid-swaps+47bps, equivalent to a spread of +22.6bps over the UST 3.75% due 31 December 2028. From the initial price thoughts of +50bps, MuniFin was able to tighten the final pricing by 3bps due to the outstanding demand from high-quality investors. 

The final orderbook was of very high-quality and geographically diverse with 83 investors participating. In terms of investor type, the majority of allocations went to banks (49.1%), followed by central banks and other official Institutions (39.5%) and Fund Managers (11.4%).

Considering the busy primary market, the result was quite impressive and received praising comments from the joint lead managers on the transaction.  

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team on their first USD benchmark outing of 2024. The new USD 1.5 billion, 5-year benchmark garnered a high-quality orderbook amidst a busy primary market for SSA issuers. MuniFin’s agility in adapting to market windows once again enabled them to achieve attractive cost of funding for their activities which support the mission of building a better and more sustainable future for its clients. Deutsche Bank is proud to have been involved in this transaction”, said Katrin Wehle, Managing Director and Head of SSA CDM Origination at Deutche Bank. 

MuniFin’s funding programme is progressing at a very good pace, as after this transaction, the company has printed nearly 25% of its EUR 9–10 billion programme for 2024. 

“It has been a busy start for us at MuniFin, as we decided to kick off our funding year with two benchmarks and printed already a quarter of our funding programme within less than one month. We are extremely excited to break a new record with an overwhelming demand of USD 4.4 billion for this USD benchmark. We are humble for the exceptional reception and want to extend our thanks to all our investors and joint lead managers who participated in making this happen”, says Senior Manager Karoliina Kajova from MuniFin’s funding and sustainability team. 

Transaction details

IssuerMunicipality Finance Plc (“MuniFin”)
Issue AmountUSD 1.5 billion
Issuer RatingAa1 /AA+ (Moody’s / S&P) (all stable)
Pricing Date24 January 2024
Settlement Date31 January 2024 (T+5)
Maturity Date31 January 2029
Re-offer Price /Yield99.942% / 4.263%
Annual Coupon4.250%
Re-offer SpreadMid-swaps +47bps
Spread vs BenchmarkUST 3.750% due 31st December 2028 +22.6bps
ListingHelsinki Stock Exchange (Regulated market)
DocumentationIssuer’s Debt Issuance Programme dated 7 September 2023
ISINXS2757519280 / US62630CEK36
Joint Lead ManagersBarclays, BMO, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank

Comments from joint lead managers

 “Congratulations to the MuniFin team for another fantastic outing in the USD benchmark space. We are delighted to see the team achieve a record orderbook well in excess of USD 4bn and with granular interest from over 80 investors. The USD 1.5bn 5Y deal priced with minimal concession to the secondary curve, testament to the strong name recognition that MuniFin enjoys with investors around the world.“

Massimo Antonelli, Managing Director BMO Capital Markets

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team for a phenomenally successful USD outing, with this latest benchmark extending the issuer’s USD curve. The largest ever USD orderbook for MuniFin at USD 4.4 billion, as well as its joint-largest USD print over the past decade at USD 1.5 billion, is a testament to the firm standing of MuniFin amongst the global investor community.  Moreover, size did not come at the expense of price, with the trade seeing a 3bps move tighter in spread during execution and crucially with no attrition in the size of demand. Barclays is honoured to have supported this transaction.”

Francesco Polon, Director, SSA Debt Capital Markets, Barclays

 “An resounding return to the US dollar market for MuniFin. With a constructive and supportive primary market and stable macro backdrop, MuniFin priced their largest transaction in dollars since 2021 and achieved its largest ever orderbook with the transaction 2.9x oversubscribed. Citi is delighted to have been involved in this record-breaking trade. Congratulations!”

Ebba Wexler, Managing Director, Head of SSA DCM, Citi

Further information

Joakim Holmström, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability 

Tel. +358 50 4443 638  

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability 

Tel. +358 50 3700 285 

Karoliina Kajova, Senior Manager, Funding 

Tel. +358 50 5767 707 

Lari Toppinen, Senior Analyst, Funding 

Tel. +358 50 4079 300 

Aaro Koski, Analyst, Funding

Tel. +358 45 138 7465

Read more

MuniFin succeeds with a EUR 1 billion 10-year benchmark in a record breaking market

MuniFin succeeds with a EUR 1 billion 10-year benchmark in a record breaking market

MuniFin kicked off its 2024 funding programme of EUR 9–10 billion with a 10-year EUR 1 billion benchmark bond on 10 January. The benchmark ended up more than two times oversubscribed, as MuniFin carved out demand in a record volume week in the market.

The orderbooks were opened on with guidance at MS+26 bps area, but MuniFin was able to tighten the guidance and the books were closed at MS +24bps and in excess of EUR 2.2 billion.

Investor demand was driven by high-quality accounts and saw a particular interest from banks, central banks and official institutions, which comprised of 80% share of allocations.

Geographically the demand was particularly high in key European regions, with the Central European countries of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland comprising 38% of the allocations and Benelux 19%.

“Our commitment to the EUR market remains strong. This was our first benchmark of the year and the first 10-year benchmark in the last two years. Despite the heavy supply, investor demand in MuniFin benchmarks remains strong. Thank you to all investors, who participated and our lead managers for a successful transaction” says Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability at MuniFin.

MuniFin’s 2024 opening trade in an extremely competitive market is a remarkable success.

“The strategy undertaken to benefit from favourable market conditions, while differentiating from the other supply to attain price objectives, highlights the agility of the funding team to adapt in a competitive beginning of year window”, said Thomas Leocadio, Co-Head Public Sector Origination at Natixis.

Transaction details

IssuerMunicipality Finance Plc (MuniFin)
Issuer RatingAa1 /AA+ (Moody’s / S&P) (all stable)
Issue AmountEUR 1 billion
Pricing Date10 January 2024
Settlement Date17 January 2024 (T+5)
Maturity Date02 February 2034
Re-offer Price /Yield99.127% / 2.851%
Annual Coupon2.750% (long first coupon)
Re-offer SpreadMid-swaps +24bps
Spread vs BenchmarkDBR 2.600% Due 15th August 2033 +67.9bps
Joint Lead ManagersDanske Bank, LBBW, Natixis, SEB

Comments from joint lead managers

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team on another great result in the EUR market issuing a well-oversubscribed 10-year benchmark at limited concession despite an extremely busy EUR primary market. Over the past years, MuniFin has established themselves as the leading Nordic SSA issuer in the EUR market and Danske Bank is proud to have supported MuniFin throughout that journey.”
Gustav Landström, Head of SSA Origination, Danske Bank

“At a time of increased uncertainty around state budgets and government elections, public-sector issuers with a dedicated mandate offer attractive alternatives for investors. MuniFin today did just that with their successful 2024 opening trade that added a new line on the long end of their curve and achieved strong investor reception with a high-quality book of over EUR 2.2bn.”
Patrick Seifert, Head of Primary Markets & Global Syndicate, LBBW

“Congratulations are in order for the MuniFin team that not only achieved a successful first benchmark returning to the 10-year tenor but navigated through a never-before-seen volume week in the EUR SSA primary market. The strategy undertaken to benefit from favourable market conditions, while differentiating from the other supply to attain price objectives, highlights the agility of the funding team to adapt in a competitive beginning of year window. It was a pleasure to be involved on this transaction and we look forward to the continued success of MuniFin in 2024.”
Thomas Leocadio, Co-Head Public Sector Origination, Natixis

“A great result from MuniFin and its first EUR Benchmark of the year, in what has been a record-breaking week in terms of primary issuance volume. With a well oversubscribed orderbook and spread tightening of 2bps from guidance, MuniFin once again proves its excellent track record in the EUR market. SEB is delighted to have been a part of this transaction and to have supported MuniFin reaching their funding target of EUR 9-10bn for 2024.”
Anna Sjulander, Head of SSA Origination at SEB

Further information

Joakim Holmström, Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability 
Tel. +358 50 4443 638  

Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability 
Tel. +358 50 3700 285 

Karoliina Kajova, Senior Manager, Funding 
Tel. +358 50 5767 707 

Lari Toppinen, Senior Analyst, Funding 
Tel. +358 50 4079 300 

Aaro Koski, Analyst, Funding
Tel. +358 45 138 7465

MuniFin awarded as the Best SSA ESG Bond Issuer

The award is given to an SSA, Sovereigns, Supranational, and Agencies, borrower that is active in international and local SSA bond markets, offering a full range of products, in private and public format, in multiple currencies across the yield curve and to the broadest range of SSA ESG bond investors. CMD Portal is an independent collaborative market data network for bond and money market professionals. 

CMD Portal praised MuniFin for our long-term commitment to sustainability. In October, one highlight on our ESG path, was the publication of the new Sustainability Agenda with clear long-term objectives for our sustainability efforts. The agenda sets two main themes: supporting the Finnish welfare society and accelerating Finland’s green transition through our financing, for which we source funds with our sustainable bonds.  

“Our customers play a significant role in achieving Finland’s climate goals. Therefore, we aim for at least one-third of long-term customer financing to be green and social finance by 2030. The most notable change compared to our previous initiatives, is that we set reduction targets for financed buildings. Our goal is to achieve a reduction to 8 kgCO2 per m2 by 2035 and our green finance plays a vital role in achieving this target”, says Sustainability Analyst Mikko Noronen from MuniFin’s Funding and Sustainability team. 

On the sustainable bonds front, the year had two successful issuances. In February, MuniFin issued a record-sized EUR 1 billion green bond, which was the largest ever EUR denominated green bond by a Nordic SSA issuer. It was quickly nearly twice oversubscribed and 80% of the high-quality orderbook was allocated to ESG investors. Another highlight was the successful USD 100 million social bond in August, which was issued as a private placement. 

“The past year continued to be successful on the ESG front and we are extremely happy for this recognition. We aim to maintain our presence in the sustainable bonds market also next year when we are planning to issue EUR 9 –10 billion of new long-term funding. The sizes of our sustainable bonds will depend on the development of the customer financing portfolio”, says Senior Manager Karoliina Kajova from MuniFin’s Funding team. 

MuniFin also wins runner-up for the Best ESG Issuer Award. Our active presence and successful issuances have been acknowledged by CMD Portal also before. In April, MuniFin’s record-size green bond earned the TopDeal acknowledgement, and in January, MuniFin earned the award of the Best Structured Notes Issuer, which was the third year in a row for this recognition.  

MuniFin is Finland’s pioneer in sustainable finance 

In 2016, MuniFin was the first financial institution in Finland to offer green finance for climate and environmentally friendly projects and was the first Finnish issuer of green bonds.  

In 2020, MuniFin became the first financial institution in Finland to issue social bonds, which is offered to projects that promote equality, communality, safety, welfare, or regional vitality.  

These bonds are an integral part of our funding strategy. Both green and social bonds have their own frameworks. 

Read more about our green and social bonds

Read more 

MuniFin issues a record-breaking EUR 1 billion green bond 

MuniFin’s sustainability agenda aims to increase the amount of sustainable finance and reduce financed emissions 

Further information  

Antti Kontio – Head of Funding and Sustainability  

+358 50 3700 285  

Mikko Noronen – Sustainability Analyst, Funding and Sustainability 

+358 50 479 7533 

Karoliina Kajova – Senior Manager, Funding  

+358 50 5767 707  

Lari Toppinen – Senior Analyst, Funding 

+358 50 4079 300  

Aaro Koski – Analyst, Funding 

+358 45 138 7465 

MuniFin’s funding forecast for 2024: EUR 9–10 billion

The plan is to issue approximately 60% of the long-term funding through EUR and USD benchmarks and the rest through other public markets (e.g., GBP, NOK, AUD) and private placements. MuniFin will aim to focus slightly more on the other public markets in 2024. The maturity target for the year will be around 5 years. 

MuniFin also aims to continue its commitment to issue green and social bonds next year. Sizes will depend on the underlying asset development of the customer financing portfolio. 

In 2023, MuniFin has issued approximately EUR 10 billion of new long-term funding and the program is nearly completed. This year MuniFin has issued five new EUR and USD benchmarks, together with several EUR taps on the existing lines. Three of the benchmarks were in EUR and two in USD.

MuniFin had a record year on the green side, as MuniFin issued a new long 5-year EUR 1 billion green bond, which was the largest EUR green bond of all time in the Nordic SSA market at the time in February. MuniFin also issued a USD 100 million 4-year social bond in private placement format in August.

In other public markets, the main currencies have been GBP and NOK, but MuniFin has also issued in CHF and NZD. MuniFin has been more active proportionally in EUR and USD benchmarks this year than last year. 

The top four issuance currencies in 2023 are thus far EUR (51%), USD (28%), GBP (11%) and NOK (4%). These currencies account for over 94% of the new funding issued in 2023. 

Further information 

Antti Kontio – Head of Funding and Sustainability 

+358 50 3700 285 

Karoliina Kajova – Senior Manager, Funding 

+358 50 5767 707 

Lari Toppinen – Senior Analyst, Funding 

+358 50 4079 300 

Aaro Koski – Analyst, Funding 

+358 45 1387 465 

MuniFin’s second USD benchmark of the year attracted high-quality investors

Seizing the opportunity presented by favourable market conditions, MuniFin promptly announced its second USD benchmark of the year with initial price thoughts at SOFR MS+40bps area. The books opened on Thursday morning with high demand, allowing MuniFin to tighten the spread by 2bps, fixing the trade at SOFR MS+38bps.

Ultimately, the orderbooks were closed at an impressive USD 3.3 billion, leading MuniFin to set the final size at USD 1.25 billion. This issuance stands as MuniFin’s most substantial USD Benchmark since January 2021. 

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team on a successful transaction; reacting swiftly to the favourable market conditions and clear issuance window to secure their second USD Benchmark in 2023. Final demand in excess of USD 3.3bn marks one of MuniFin’s largest ever USD books; a reflection of the high-quality credit and recognition of the team’s efforts on global investor engagement. RBC was delighted to be involved and it was a pleasure working with the team on this transaction”, says Eleanor Singer, Vice President, SSA DCM, at RBC Capital Markets. 

“Maintaining our strong dedication to the USD benchmark market, we are delighted to return for the second time this year. We extend our gratitude to all the investors who participated. With this new benchmark we are almost done with our funding for 2023”, says Antti Kontio, Head of Funding and Sustainability at MuniFin.

The transaction was distributed to a broadly diversified group of investors across Europe (39.1%), Americas (28.7%), MEA (17.3%) and Asia Pacific (14.9%). The orderbook included 85 high-quality investor accounts, with significant participation from central banks and other official institutions (40.3%) and asset managers (15.3%). 

With this transaction, MuniFin has completed EUR 9.5 billion of its 9-10 billion long-term funding target for the year.

Read the press release:

Transaction details

Issuer:Municipality Finance Plc (“Munifin”) 
Ratings:Aa1 / AA+ (both Stable) by Moody’s / S&P 
Format:RegS / 144A 
Coupon:4.875% Fixed, S/A, 30/360, short first 
Size:USD1.25 billion 
Pricing Date:5th October 2023 
Payment Date:13th October 2023 (T+5) 
Maturity Date:13th January 2027 
Reoffer Spread:SOFR MS + 38 bps | CT3 + 17.2bps 
Joint Bookrunners:BofA Securities, J.P. Morgan, RBC Capital Markets, TD Securities 

Comments from the Bookrunners

“Huge congratulations to the MuniFin team for strategically taking this week’s window despite the volatile backdrop. An excellent result for MuniFin’s second USD benchmark of 2023 as illustrated by the size and depth of the orderbook. Bank of America is extremely proud to have been a part of this transaction and successfully rounding out MuniFin’s benchmark funding for 2023.” 

Robert Matthews, Vice President, SSA DCM, BofA Securities 

“Congratulations to the MuniFin team for swiftly responding to market conditions, taking advantage of a clear issuance window to price a successful transaction! The orders over $3.3bn+ not only make this one of MuniFin’s largest orderbooks but also underline investors’ confidence in MuniFin’s name. This was apt to end the benchmark funding on a high note and we’re delighted to be involved!” 

Matthieu Batard, Head of SSA Syndicate, J.P. Morgan 

“Congratulations to the entire MuniFin team on a seamlessly executed new 3yr USD transaction. MuniFin were nimble in their approach to securing an efficient funding window this week which paid off with an incredible USD 3.3bn final orderbook from a wide variety of global USD investors.” 

Paul Eustace, Managing Director, Global Co-Head of SSA and Head of Europe and Asia Syndicate, TD Securities 

Further information

Joakim Holmström – Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability 

+358 50 4443 638 

Antti Kontio – Head of Funding and Sustainability 

+358 50 3700 285 

Karoliina Kajova – Senior Manager, Funding 

+358 50 5767 707 

Lari Toppinen – Senior Analyst, Funding 

+358 50 4079 300 

Aaro Koski – Analyst, Funding 

+358 45 1387 465