Corporate Governance Statement 2023

This statement on MuniFin’s Corporate Governance in 2023 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

This statement is provided here as a comprehensive description of MuniFin’s Corporate Governance, separate from the Report of the Board of Directors. According to Chapter 7, Section 7, of the Finnish Act on Credit Institutions (610/2014), a credit institution shall keep an account of how it complies with the provisions of Chapter 7, Sections 1–5 of this Act available on its website.

The following includes a description of how MuniFin complies with the provisions. The operations of MuniFin are governed by legislation on credit institutions (the Finnish Act on Credit Institutions, 610/2014, as amended, and the EU Capital Requirements Regulation, EU 575/2013, as amended, are especially important) and related supervisory guidelines that include a substantial number of requirements for corporate governance that MuniFin complies with in its operations. The most significant supervisory guidelines with a bearing on the Company’s governance and this report are the European Banking Authority’s Guidelines on Internal Governance as well as Guidelines on the disclosure requirements of Part Eight of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013. These are available at

The Board of Directors of MuniFin reviewed this statement at its meeting on 9 February 2024. This statement and the Company’s Annual Report for 2023, including the financial statements, Report of the Board of Directors and Auditor’s Report, are available on the Company’s website. The auditor has reviewed this statement and has not noted any discrepancies between the statement and the main features of the internal control and risk management systems pertaining to the financial reporting process stated in the financial statements.

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Corporate Governance Statement 2022

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2022 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2021

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2021 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2020

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2020 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2019

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2019 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2018

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2018 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2017

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2017 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2016

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2016 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2015

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2015 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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Corporate Governance Statement 2014

MuniFin’s Corporate Governance Statement 2014 has been composed in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 7 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012).

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